Contra dancing for new dancers
Contra Dancing is our most popular activity (though we love all kinds of dances) and our events feature live traditional music performed by local bands.
Contra dances are led by a Caller who directs the dance and describes the steps before the dance begins in a “walk-through”.
Choosing partners
You can dance with one partner all evening, but most people change partners after each dance. We encourage new & experienced dancers to dance together.
Feel free to ask someone to dance — anyone can ask anyone to dance, there’s no need to wait to be asked.
Anyone can be a Lark or a Robin. You may even dance with someone you don't know yet. It's a good way to meet new friends and learn about dancing.
If you want to dance but feel shy asking, stand on the dance floor to indicate your interest in dancing. It’s easier to tell who is “active” compared to those sitting out.
Each dance (with the exception of couple dances) is walked through before it is danced. This means the caller will explain the main figure and any tricky sequences.
During the walk-through, please remain quiet and attentive.
If you become confused, please raise your hand and ask the caller to explain whatever is confusing you during the walk-through and before the music starts.
Please, even if you know the dance, don't walk through the dance ahead of the caller's instructions: it is confusing for both the caller and nearby dancers. Please be respectful and quiet during the walk-through. You can catch up with your partner once the dance starts.
If you would like to instruct your partner on the fine points of dancing ask if they are open to feedback after the dance OR contact the Dancing Bears about becoming a caller yourself!
While dancing
Use a light, walking step to the music, rather than skipping or hopping. Dance with the others in your set: that is, give weight on the allemandes (hand-turns), smile and look at your partner, help those who become confused.
Be kind. Dance with consideration, friendliness, and joy.
Hold hands gently. This cannot be emphasized enough, we are all dancing together and there is no need for anyone to be rough or forceful.
"Better NEVER than late!" We dance as a unit, a smooth-running whimsical machine. If you fall behind we ask you please, don’t be late: SKIP the move, regroup, and return to the rhythm with the rest of the dancers. (You can always ask what to do, dancers are happy to help!)
Dance with who’s coming at you! Some dancers modify the standard dance figures with extra spins and twirls. This is fine, so long as these variations don't cause someone to be late or in the wrong position for the next movement. If someone is in a seemingly wrong position continue to dance your role, it’s possible they and their partner switched roles mid-dance.
Thank your partner after each dance, and those with whom you've danced. If you wish, you may choose to applaud the music or the caller.
Questions? Talk to the caller during the break if you have any questions about a particular dance, a dance figure, or dancing in general.